Influencer marketing has become an essential part of many brands' marketing strategies, providing a powerful way to reach new audiences and promote products or services through trusted and relatable individuals. When executed correctly, collaborations between brands and influencers can be incredibly effective, producing engaging and authentic content that resonates with audiences.
In this post, I'll be sharing some examples of some of my favorite collaborations between brands and influencers. By examining what made these collaborations successful, we can learn valuable lessons about how to create impactful influencer marketing campaigns that produce real results. So, let's take a closer look at some collaborations that got it right.
*Click on the images to take you to the original videos.
Laura X Sony Electronics
Why we love it:
Subtle. If you have ever watched even a fraction of Laura's content, this video slips seemlessly into her ongoing content about dealing with coworkers while working a corporate job.
Informative. Scripted in such a way that she gets key specs of the Sony headphones across without being too much of a hard sell.
Hits the target. At the time, when I saw the video, had I not just received a pair of wireless headphones recently, I would have gone to search for these headphones. Who can't relate to wanting a good pair of wireless headphones to drown out distractions or annoying coworkers?
Elyse Meyers X Dominos Pizza
Why we love it:
Clear communication. Scripted to clearly communicate appetite appeal and convey that the product is moreish and delicious.
Informative. Effectively slips in that there are 3 different options to choose from. I think the trap some influencers often fall into when they are asked to include a lot of information about a product into their content, is they often start to sound like an infomercial. Being asked to convey key information does not necessarily mean you need to break character or have it separate and apart from the creative story. I think Elyse found that sweet spot of conveying information effectively in character.
Stays on brand. As a long time stan of Elyse, I loved that this was so on-brand for her and kept me just as entertained as any of her other unbranded content. The script stays true to her personality and it once again slips seemlessly into the rest of her content and is not obnoxiously jarring as a regular Elyse viewer. Too often I have sniffed an #ad from a mile away because a content creator immediately starts acting out of character. Your social media audience can tell when a content creator is not being authentic and the script is not their own.
Mary Orton x Stanley
Why we love it:
Product placement. Just enough product placement into the storyline without stealing the show. The product is a tool in the plot rather than the focus. The skit is more about Mary & her relationship with her daughters rather than bragging about the product or its features.
On brand. It was not immediately obvious to me that it was sponsored content because it is very on brand for Mary to talk about her family. Her tone did not change. The way in which she told her story did not change. Once again, it was content that slipped seemlessly into her feed.
Hits the target audience. Mary's content is geared towards mothers and style. The Stanley tumbler is designed with that on-the-go woman in mind. The women looking to keep a little touch of glam in their life in something practical, like what bottle or tumbler they have on hand to stay hydrated throughout their hectic schedules.
What can we learn?
From these examples, there is so much we can apply to our own brands and approach to influencer marketing. When collaborating with influencers, here are a few key things to remember:
Ensure you are hitting your target audience. Does the influencer's audience align with the demographic you are trying to reach with your product?
Does their brand naturally align with your own? You want the influencer to be able to stay authentic to their own personality, content and brand they have built that would have attracted you to them in the first place.
Being informative does not have to be boring and scripted. A lot of influencers are content creators.
Allow them to create content, not an ad.
Just because your product or service is not the star of the show, does not mean you cannot still get your key message across. There are lots of creative ways to effectively communicate your value proposition without being too literal.
Remember that each collaboration is an opportunity to craft compelling narratives, inspire genuine engagement, and leave a memorable imprint in the hearts of your audience.
As the influencer marketing landscape continues to evolve, staying attuned to emerging trends, leveraging new platforms, and adapting to shifting consumer preferences will be crucial. I hope these examples inspire your journey, and let the ever-evolving world of influencer marketing be your canvas for creativity, authenticity, and building meaningful connections with your audience.
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